★ collage ★

ekphrasis collage

Why I am Not a Poet
after Frank O'Hara
mixed media; 2021

shattered glass collage

acrylic on construction paper; 2021

self portriat collage 2

self portrait. mixed media; 2021

grid/layering collage

construction paper & cardboard & acrylic paint; 2021

self portrait collage 1
self portrait collage 1 alt
self portrait collage 1 detail 1
self portrait collage 1 detail 1
self portrait collage 1 detail 3
self portrait collage 1 detail 4
self portrait collage 1 detail 5

pencil! paper! glue! 2020

creation collage

a piece about Creation. acrylic on newsprint with plastic wrap; 2020

sound collage

a piece about Sound. acrylic on newsprint; 2020

joy of creation collage

a piece about life & the joy of creation. acrylic on newsprint; 2020

installation collage

mixed media; 2019

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